Numerous studies have been carried out worldwide covering many aspects related to fish population biology, traceability and the use of modern molecular technologies for fisheries management. These studies have produced a great wealth of data with potential value for future applications in fisheries management, but could also serve as a fundament for new research projects. However, currently research projects in these fields are fragmented and often isolated, which leads to the dispersal of generated data and bears the risk of data‐loss.
To counteract this trend and to facilitate a more coherent approach to fish and fisheries research, we present research projects related to FishPopTrace, along with a short introduction and a link.
A specially constructed crawler tool allows for the investigation of research has been carried out in other projects by using search terms.
Links of interest
CBOL, Consortium for the Barcode of Life, | |
BOLI, Barcode of Life Initiative, | |
FishBase, | |
Marine Genomics, | |
NCBI, NationalCenter for Biotechnology Information, | |
EMBL-EBI, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, European Bioinformatics Institute, | |
FAO (FaoStat), | |
IUCN Red List, |
Related projects
FishTrace, The main aim of Fish-Trace is to provide with standardized biological information to unequivocally guarantee the origin, traceability and genetic identification of marine fish species from European waters and/or marketed in Europe. In the public website you can have access to a DATABASE that includes information about taxonomy, molecular genetics (gene sequences) and reference biological material (vouchers, tissue, otoliths, tissue and DNA extraction of collected samples) of a large number of European marine fish species. The European Commission founds this project. |
FishBol, The Fish Barcode of Life Initiative (Fish-Bol), is a global effort to coordinate an assembly of DNA barcodes, images and geospatial coordinates for all fish species, with the aims of facilitating species identification for all potential users, including taxonomists; highlighting specimens that represent a range expansion of known species; flagging previously unrecognized species; and perhaps most importantly, enabling identifications where traditional methods are not applicable. This initiative is in partnership with the Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL) and Census of Marine Life projects. |
Fish and Chips The aim of the Fish and Chip project is to develop DNA chips for the identification of vertebrates and invertebrates of European Seas as a cost effective, reliable and efficient technology in biodiversity and ecosystem science. These chips will facilitate research on dispersal of ichthyoplankton, monitoring of phytoplankton, and identification of bioindicators as well as prey in gut contents analysis. |
PescaBase, The PescaBase project characterize the Spanish network dedicated to provide biological information useful for the unequivocal authentication and traceability of marine species of interest for the Canary, Spanish and European Union fisheries. |
FinE, The Fisheries-induced Evolution (FinE) project is set up to investigate the prevalence of fisheries-induced evolutionary changes in life-history traits of exploited fish stocks in European and North American waters. The aims are to unravel the underlying mechanisms of change ranging from the phenotypic to the genetic level, to evaluate their consequences on population and fisheries dynamics, and to provide recommendations for evolutionarily enlightened management. |
UNCOVER, The aims of the project UNCOVER (Understanding the Mechanisms of Stock Recovery) are to identify various changes experienced during the decline of commercially important fish stocks in Europe, enhance the scientific understanding of the mechanisms of fish stock recovery, and formulate recommendations for fisheries managers how to best implement stock recovery plans. UNCOVER is carried out with financial support from the EU. |
SeaFood Plus, SeaFood plus is an integrated research project supported by the EU. The strategic objective of the SEAFOODplus Integrated Programme is to reduce health problems and to increase well-being among European consumers by applying the benefits obtained through consumption of health promoting and safe seafood products of high eating quality. |
TraceFish (Traceability of fish products), The aim of the TraceFish project was to bring together companies and research institutes to establish common views with respect to what data should follow a fish product through the chain from catch/farming to consumer. TraceFish was funded by the European Commission, which ran from 2000-2002 and co-ordinated by the Norwegian Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture. |
Trace, The main aims of TRACE (Tracing the origin of food) to improve the health and well-being of European citizens by delivering improved traceability of food products. TRACE will also assess European consumer perceptions, attitudes, and expectations regarding food production systems and their ability-to-trace food products, together with, consumer attitudes to designated origin products, food authenticity and food fraud. It will focus firstly on mineral water, cereals, honey, meat and chicken but will have wider applicability to other commodities. This project is funded by the European Commission through the Sixth Framework Programme under the Food Quality and Safety Priority. |
SALSEA-Merge, Salmon at Sea: Unravelling the mysteries of the salmon at sea to promote their recovery. |
CODTRACE, The main aim of this project was to develop the methodology to establish the location of spawning and of harvest of individual cod (one of the EU's most economically important fish species). Objectives were achieved through the use of multiple tracing techniques followed by multivariate statistics. These techniques included body morphometry, otolith morphometry, otolith core chemistry, otolith surface chemistry, genetic analysis of fish tissue (allozyme, mtDNA, Syp I and microsatellite), fish parasite and bacterial assemblages and molecular markers for specific fish bacteria. This project was funded by the European Commission through the 5th Framework Programme. |
HERGEN, HERGEN was a collaborative project, which involved a variety of laboratories working on herring genetics and otolith traits. The project's overall goal was to provide guidelines for the conservation and management of biodiversity of Atlantic herring in the North Sea and adjoining waters by identifying its genetic population structure, and by quantifying relative stock contributions to the fishery. This project was funded under the Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources Programme of the European Union FP5 (2002-2005). |