Traceability in the EU Fisheries Sector - Rationale and implementation in the EU and the international context (Stockhausen & Martinsohn 2009)
The EU fisheries sector faces major challenges due to declining resources caused by strong fishing pressure. Also an increasing dependence on fish (product) imports and ever more complex marketing patterns impede efforts to regulate, monitor and control the EU fisheries trade. In this context traceability, the ability to track the flow of product or product attributes throughout the production process or supply chain, constitutes a powerful tool to warrant product authenticity, but also to ensure compliance with existing rules. This is especially true if traceability based on a stringent documentation procedure (labelling, certification etc.) is supported by independent control measures that allow for verification of the documents required to comply with the traceability scheme.
This document outlines how and to what extent traceability in the fisheries sector is presently implemented in the EU, and discusses traceability schemes of other sectors and countries. It also reflects on how traceability could be further improved and assured, and how the project strategy of FishPopTrace is tailored in support of improvement of the traceability scheme in the fisheries sector.

The FPT Newsletter contains relevant information within the scope of FishPopTrace, in particular consortium progress, major achievements, personnel details, salient meetings and events, funding and training opportunities, as well as publications.

Traceability of Fish Populations and Fish Products: Advances and Contribution to Sustainable Fisheries
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