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Sustainable Fisheries

AquaTrace will put the components of the project, its research, technological, developments and findings, in the context of policies and legislation related to aquaculture, particular under the remit of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), which is the European Union's instrument for the management of fisheries and aquaculture. AquaTrace findings and deliverables should ultimately translate into advice providing guidance for aquaculture development and management issues. Moreover techniques developed for traceability and put in a forensic framework will support the sectors consumer protection and enforcement.
To this end it is very important to reach out to and communicate with stakeholders such as policy makers and control authorities. Through its website AquaTrace wishes to design a platform ensuring visibility, accessibility and comprehensibility, of policies and legislations of importance to AquaTrace, but also to the general audience and interested stakeholders.
This site introduces to policy making and legislation related to EU and worldwide fisheries.
This site will constantly be enlarged and updated, taking into account the constantly evolving "aquaculture policy landscape". Comments and suggestions can by submitted via mail to AquaTrace.