This section contains links to websites holding information on specific EU past projects, initiatives of professional associations and consortia at the regional or national level, universities or research centres.
European Commission > Fisheries > CFP > Fisheries Research
European Commission > Research > Energy (including FP7 opportunities)
European Commission > Research > Transport
European Commission > Research > Marine and Maritime
European Commission > Energy > Research
European Commission > Energy > Energy efficiency
European Commission > Energy > Intelligent energy
Specific projects
This section contains a list (not exhaustive) of specific projects of relevance to energy efficiency in fisheries.
WINTECC - Within the framework of the EU co-funded WINTECC project (wind propulsion technology for cargo vessels, project number: LIFE06 ENV/D/000479), the first industry-accepted kite system with automatic control will be demonstrated in a first full-scale application (more here, project website)
ECOPESCA GEIE - This new entity, Ecopesca Geie, is framed under the concept of a European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG). This EEIG is a new legal entity based on Community Law. Its aim is to facilitate and promote mutual cooperation beyond national borders among companies and entrepreneurial organisations; (more here)
HIGH ENERGY EFFICIENCY (CONTAINER) SHIP DESIGN -using heavy fuel oil as main energy input at 750 rpm;(more here)
CLEANFILM - Increase marine fuel efficiency by up to 30% through an innovative anti-fouling and drag reducing ship hull protective film (more here)
CLEANHULL - Protecting and ensuring water quality and increasing marine fuel efficiency up to 30% by an innovative under water hull cleaning process(more here)
SUPERPROP - Superior Life-time Operation Economy of Ship Propellers - Develop maintenance strategies, in regards to ship hydrodynamics, and assess their costs in order to update the propulsion system of fishing vessels and tugboats (more here)
PEIXE VERDE - Peixe Verde is going to work in multiple options in a systematic way, looking for solutions for the serious problem that the ascent of the price of the petroleum supposes for the fishing sector (more here)
ENERFISH - A new polygeneration application with renewable energy sources will be planned and demonstrated for the fishery industry. The distributed energy system utilizes cleaning waste of a fish processing plant to produce biodiesel. (more here)
FISH 2 ENERGY - Projet de Chalutier démonstrateur hybride pêchant -
FRANCE PECHE DURABLE & RESPONSABLE, is the leader of the European partnership FISH 2 ENERGY. Their objective is to put in demonstration (on board trawlers operated in real situations of exploitation), currently available technologies on propulsion and power generation, that have a lower impact on environment. (more here and here)
Energy optimization of bottom trawls (SINTEF) - In a new project SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture will perform systematic experiments with the various trawl components to examine how they influence on the towing resistance and global geometry of the gear. These experiments will be made in cooperation with many of the manufacturers of trawl gear. The results will be the basis for tuning of mathematical models describing the system. These models will be made available for the fishermen in a computer tool, supporting the fishery operations at sea. (more here) (in Norwegian)
Modeling and control of trawl (SINTEF)
Bottom trawling contributes to the destruction of coral reefs and bottom habitats, in addition to being energy consuming and polluting. Improved control of the trawl may contribute to reduce such undesirable effects. This is addressed in a doctorate study at SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture, department of Fisheries Technology. (more here)
Operational Efficiency - SEAFISH Industry Authority. SEAFISH is a Non Departmental Public Body (NDPB), established in 1981, sponsored by the four UK government fisheries departments and funded by a levy on seafood. Seafish has dedicated projects on fuel gear and efficiency (more here) as well as Energy Saving in fisheries (more here).
ENERPESCA. A project on energy efficiency and development of solutions of I + D + i, led by the Association of Fishermen of St. Martin Bueu for the responsible use of energy, which contributes to sustainable fishing in the entire chain of production (more here).
Project ESB Cataluňa: Mejora de la Eficiencia, la Sostenibilidad y el Beneficio de la flota pesquera de arrastre catalana. The objective of this project is to determine, through testing and certification in real situations and on a sample of five ships, technological improvements, innovations and actions to be implemented in the trawl fleet, which can actually be a Catalan savings, and to extrapolate measurements to the rest of the fishing industry (more here).
National research projects
Research projects adopted by the Pôle de Compétitivité Mer Bretagne
Research projects adopted by the Pôle de Compétitivité Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur (CAPA)
Research projects adopted by the Canadian Centre for Fisheries Innovation
EU research projects
General Information Including Links to Projects
European Commission Fisheries Contracts and Funding
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Information and Communication Technologies for energy efficiency
Energy Research in the Seventh Research Framework Programme (FP7)
FP6 projects on Scientific Support to Policies in Fisheries and Aquaculture:
Training and Workshops
Ship Energy Efficiency Plan Training Webinar - BIMCO - Thursday 13th December 2013, 09.30 UTC/GMT. Interactive training on creating effective Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plans and realising their fuel saving potential.
International Training Course in Trawl Technology - CATch-Fish/SEAFISH, Hirtshals, Denmark October 28 - November 2, 2012. The objective of the course is to give the participants an enhanced understanding of trawl performance in practice, both from an engineering, biological and a management point of view.
Energy efficiency in fisheries; How to influence research and innovation funding in Horizon 2020 - European Fisheries Technology Platform - Madrid, Spain, 12 September 2012. The workshop will focus in elaborating an industry driven Innovation and Technology agenda, with the contribution of the majority of recognized fisheries energy efficiency experts. This agenda is intended to provide relevant and high quality inputs to the EU when defining next energy efficiency R&DT programs. Access the agenda here.
Past events
3rd regional Technical Workshop - SEAFDEC/TD - BANGKOK, THAILAND, 19-22 December 2011. The Training Department of Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC/TD) organizes the 3rd Regional Technical Workshop on Safety at Sea and Optimizing Energy use for Small Fishing Boats. A provisional prospectus can be traced here.
The Canadian Centre for Fisheries Innovation (CCFI) is frequently organising series of Fishing Vessel Energy Efficiency Workshops.
Programmazione FEP 2007-2013 - CNR-ISMAR, ANCONA, ITALY, 26-27 NOVEMBRE 2010
The best way to learn, is to see what is happening under the sea. That is why TRAWL VISION 3D allows you to simulate the behaviour of the gear.
Workshop on Longlining - REYKJAVÌK, ICELAND, 19-20 OCTOBER 2010
Faroese, Icelandic and Norwegian scientific institutions organized a workshop in Reykjavík to discuss the challenges facing longline fisheries. Longlining is used worldwide and has adapted to local fish stocks, economy and traditions. Longlining is energy efficient compared to other fishing methods and longline-caught fish is often of high quality.