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Sustainable Fisheries

EU research-funding opportunities, specific EU projects, initiatives by universities, research centres, companies and professional associations and consortia at regional and national levels, related EU legislation.

EU policies

European Union has decided to move towards energy saving, the development of renewable sources of energy, to become a low-carbon and highly energy efficient economy, less dependent on imported supplies.

Reducing energy consumption is among the main goals of different European Union policies. On 22 June 2011, a new set of measures for increased Energy Efficiency is proposed by the European Commission to fill the gap and put back the EU on track. The aim is to save energy and to reach the target the EU has set itself: By 2020, the EU wants to cut energy consumption by 20%.

    EU energy policy focuses on creating a competitive internal energy market offering quality service at low prices, on developing renewable energy sources, on reducing dependence on imported fuels, and on doing more with a lower consumption of energy.
    Energy efficiency…
    Renewable energy…
    All energy production and consumption has environmental impacts. Energy related emissions contribute to pollution of air, water and soil while also posing risks to human health, nature and biodiversity. Sustainable energy policies aim to reduce these threats, while ensuring the security of supply and the competitiveness of the EU industries.
    Energy and environment


  • EUR-Lex Database: EU fisheries legislation in force  FISHERIES
  • EU Commission site on energy efficiency legislation  DIRECTIVES

European Fisheries Fund

The European fisheries fund (EFF) provides funding to the fishing industry and coastal communities to help them adapt to changing conditions in the sector and become economically resilient and ecologically sustainable.

To apply for funding, please contact the authority that manages the EFF in your country.

On December 2nd 2011, the European Commission has proposed a new fund for the EU's maritime and fisheries policies for the period 2014-2020: the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF). The Fund will help deliver the ambitious objectives of the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy and will help fishermen in the transition towards sustainable fishing, as well as coastal communities in the diversification of their economies. The fund will finance projects that create new jobs and improve quality of life along European coasts. Red tape will be cut so that beneficiaries have easy access to financing.

List of national authorities


EFF - Axis 1: Adjustment of the Community fishing fleet to available resources

The EFF may finance public aid for vessel owners and fishermen who need to make changes as a result of fishing effort restrictions imposed to ensure sustainable fisheries.

  • Aid for permanent cessation Vessel owners who permanently cease the fishing activities of their vessel(s) may receive a premium co-financed by the EFF. The permanent cessation must form part of a fishing effort adjustment plan or a national fleet exit plan of no more than two years.
  • Aid for temporary cessation
    Vessel owners and/or their crew members who must temporarily suspend their activities are eligible for a premium co-financed by the EFF.
  • Aid for investments on board fishing vessels
    Vessel owners may receive support co-financed by the EFF for certain investments aboard a vessel of five years of age or more. Such investments must meet certain criteria. For example, they must aim to achieve one or more of the objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy (such as more selective gear), improve safety, working conditions and hygiene, or replace an engine with a view to reducing fuel consumption.
  • Aid for small-scale coastal fishing
    Small-scale coastal fishing is eligible for the same types of aid as other types of fishing activity and even for higher support for investments (provided these meet the criteria referred to above). Small-scale coastal fishing is also eligible for certain premiums, for example for training, for drawing up local management plans, for certain technical innovations, etc.
  • Socio-economic compensation
    The Member States may benefit from EFF financing to implement socio-economic measures designed to help fishermen who are affected by resource depletion or the sector's poor economic situation, for example for training or occupational redeployment programmes, to finance early retirement, etc.
  • Aid for young fishermen
    Under certain conditions, the EFF may co-finance a premium for the first-time acquisition (partial or total) of a vessel.


EFF - Axis 3: Measures of common interest

The EFF regulation allows the financing of public projects but also of actions of common interest, i.e. whose scope is broader than that of private enterprises and which contribute to the objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy

  • Collective actions
    Representative organisations, such as trade associations, cooperatives or groupings of private operators, may receive public aid co-financed by the EFF to carry out projects of common interest, for example, to develop local management plans, improve product traceability and labelling, or restructure a producers' association.
  • Pilot projects (innovative actions)
    An economic operator, trade association or body designated by the Member State may be granted EFF support to finance pilot projects, for example, experimentation with new technologies for aquaculture production, new more selective fishing methods, or new management techniques.


National operational programmes

The operational programmes describe and justify the measures that national authorities intend to support under the different priority areas (axes) of European fisheries fund for 2007-2013.

Each Member State sets up an operational programme for the programming period 2007 - 2013, in which it describes and justifies its choice of priority axes and sets specific targets for each axis.


State aid

The Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries is responsible for dealing with issues concerning State aid provided to the fisheries and aquaculture sector.
Aid granted by the Member States to enterprises in the fisheries sector is covered by the State aid rules laid down in Article 87 to 89 of the EC Treaty. Co-financing from Member States under the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) is, however, exempted from these rules (see Article 7 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006 on the European Fisheries Fund and Article 4 of Council Regulation (EC) No 744/2008 instituting a temporary specific action aiming to promote the restructuring of the European Community fishing fleet affected by the economic crisis).

  • De minimis Regulation
    In accordance with a specific "de minimis" regulation for fisheries, which applies from 10 July 2007, aid of a limited amount (30 000 € per enterprise over three years) does not have to be notified to the Commission, provided that the cumulative sum of all aid granted in the Member State concerned remains below 2,5% of the turnover of its fisheries sector.
    "De minimis" Regulation for fisheries (EC) No 875/2007
  • Block Exemption Regulation for fisheries
    This Regulation declares certain types of aid compatible with the common market and exempted from the requirement of prior notification, on condition that they comply with the relevant conditions established under the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) and provided that they do not exceed the threshold of a total amount of aid of € 1 million per beneficiary per year or a total amount of eligible costs per project of € 2 million.
    Member States that wish to grant State aid in the eligible areas may do so by submitting the relevant summary information to the Commission for publication (see).
    Block Exemption Regulation (EC) No 736/2008

Emergency measures

In the context of the recent economic situation, following in particular the drastic increase in fuel prices, there is an impending need to take additional measures aiming for a more rapid adaptation of the Community fishing fleet to the current situation, addressing the need to ensure sustainable social and economic conditions for the sector concerned.

In view of assisting the fishing sector to adapt to less fuel consuming fishing techniques, it is appropriate to facilitate the replacement of existing equipment on board fishing vessels in order to allow for new, less energy-consuming, fishing techniques.

A Community contribution should also be provided for collective actions aimed at delivering expertise to vessel owners in relation to energy audits for vessels, and expert advice on the development of restructuring and modernisation plans and Fleet Adaptation Schemes. Moreover, financing should be made available for pilot projects aiming at reducing energy consumption for vessels, engines, equipment or gear.

Council Regulation (EC) No 744/2008 [of 24 July 2008 instituting a temporary specific action aiming to promote the restructuring of the European Community fishing fleets affected by the economic crisis] establishes a specific Community action designed to provide for exceptional and temporary support for the persons and enterprises active in the fisheries sector affected by the economic crisis induced by the increase of oil prices in 2008, as a special regime under the European Fisheries Fund (EFF).

This specific action shall consist of:

(a) general measures supplementing and derogating from certain provisions of Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006, and

(b) special measures supplementing and derogating from certain provisions of Regulations (EC) No 2371/2002 and (EC) No 1198/2006



  • Temporary cessation of fishing activities
  • Investments on board fishing vessels and selectivity
    By way of derogation from point (a) of Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006 where a contribution is granted for the financing of equipment, including auxiliary motors, which significantly improves energy efficiency on board fishing vessels, including small scale coastal fishing vessels, and reduces emissions and contributes to the fight against climate change, the minimum private financial participation to that operation shall be 40 %.
  • Socio-economic compensation
  • Collective actions
    In addition to the collective actions provided for in Article 37 of Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006, the EFF may contribute to the financing of measures providing assistance for:
    (a) carrying out energy audits for groups of vessels, and
    (b) expert advice on the development of restructuring or modernisation plans, including Fleet Adaptation Schemes referred to in Article 12.
  • Pilot projects
    In addition to the measures provided for in Article 41(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006, the EFF may contribute to the financing of pilot projects testing technical improvements aiming at reducing energy consumption for vessels, engines, equipment or gear and at reducing emissions and contributing to the fight against climate change.



  • Permanent cessation of fishing activities
  • Temporary cessation of fishing activities
  • Investments on board fishing vessels and selectivity
    1. By way of derogation from point (a) of Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006, where a contribution is granted for the financing of equipment or of gear or engine replacement which significantly improves energy efficiency on board fishing vessels, including small scale coastal fishing vessels, and reduces emissions and contributes to the fight against climate change, the minimum private financial participation to that operation shall be 40 % of the total of the eligible costs of the operation.
    2. Member States shall fix the minimum private financial participation referred to in paragraph 1 on the basis of objective criteria such as the age of the vessel, the energy efficiency improvement, or the amount of capacity reduction included in the Fleet Adaptation Scheme.
    3. The age limit referred to in Article 25(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006 shall not apply to the vessels receiving aid under this Article for equipment or gear replacement.
    4. By way of derogation from Article 25(3)(c) of Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006, the EFF may contribute to one replacement of the engine per vessel of more than 24 metres in overall length included in a Fleet Adaptation Scheme, provided that the new engine has at least 20 % less power than the old one and it increases energy efficiency.
    5. By way of derogation from paragraph 7 of Article 25 of Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006, one additional replacement of gear shall be allowed to vessels included in a Fleet Adaptation Scheme under the condition that the new gear significantly improves energy efficiency. The conditions laid down in points (a) and (b) of that paragraph shall not apply.



  • Partial decommissioning
  • Public aid for the permanent cessation of fishing in the case of partial decommissioning
  • Withdrawal and reallocation of fishing capacity


Other funding

  • Eurostars Programme
    The Eurostars Programme addresses a niche market of research and innovation-performing businesses that fulfill the EU-adopted definition of an SME, are based in a Eurostars participating country and that, in addition, invest 10% or more of full-time equivalent or annual turnover in research activities. European SMEs act as a source of renewal and a driving force for the development of new business areas. The Eurostars Programme is aimed at stimulating these SMEs to lead international collaborative research and innovation projects by easing access to support and funding.

Information and application forms about grants can be found on: