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Sustainable Fisheries


Data Collections, Applications and Networking

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) plays a key role at multiple stages of the EU policy cycle [for more information here]. The JRC offers scientific expertise and competences from a very wide range of disciplines in support of almost all EU policy areas.

All its employees benefit of a good working environment with labs, friendly rooms and an efficient IT infrastructure. The use of IT tools varies. IT tools for scientific purposes are digital applications and devices that can be used to enhance scientific learning and research; they can help scientists collect, analyze, visualize, and communicate data, as well as simulate and model complex phenomena.

IT support for Fisheries scientific projects

Fishreg team works as a whole together to achieve a unique goal: support the fisheries policy for a sustainable environment. The team is composed of researches with different skills and they are supported by administrative and IT personnel. All working at the JRC premisis.

Modellers, economists, biologists on fisheries field share common IT solutions to support their researches. These solutions are at times ad hoc responses developed by dedicated staff or often open source software installed on internal servers.

Some of these software are exposed to the external world because of collaborations with Universities or Organisations. Experts can share their results and expertise with the use of different tools depending on the subject. To share source code and models GitLab is a reliable tool [here]. For visualisations and geo-localisation GIS is the favourite. Documents and image sharing the platform is the Fishreg workspace [here].