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Sustainable Fisheries


Helyar SJ, Limborg MT, Bekkevold D, Babbucci M, van Houdt J, et al. (2012) SNP Discovery Using Next Generation Transcriptomic Sequencing in Atlantic Herring (Clupea harengus). PLoS ONE 7(8): e42089. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0042089 (LINK)

Mei-Yu Chang, Audrey J. Geffen, Jan Kosler, Siv Hjorth Dundas, FishPopTrace Consortium and Gregory E. Maes
(2012),The effect of ablation pattern on LA-ICPMS analysis of otolith element composition in hake, (Merluccius merluccius). Environmental Biology of Fishes. doi: 10.1007/s10641-012-0065-7 (LINK)

LIMBORG, M. T., HELYAR, S. J., De BRUYN, M., TAYLOR, M. I., NIELSEN, E. E., OGDEN, R., CARVALHO, G. R., FPT Consortium and BEKKEVOLD, D. (2012), Environmental selection on transcriptome-derived SNPs in a high gene flow marine fish, the Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus). Molecular Ecology. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05639.x (LINK)

Chang, M.-Y. and Geffen, A. J. (2012), Taxonomic and geographic influences on fish otolith microchemistry. Fish and Fisheries.
Article first published online: 14 JUN 2012 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-2979.2012.00482.x (LINK)

Nielsen, EE, Cariani, A, Mac Aoidh, E, Maes, GE, Milano, I, Ogden, R, Taylor, MI, Hemmer-Hansen, J, Babbucci, M, Bargelloni, L, Bekkevold, D, Diopere, E, Grenfell, L, Helyar, S, Limborg, MT, Martinsohn, JT, McEwing, R, Panitz, F, Patarnello, T, Tinti, F, Van Houdt, J, Volckaert, FAM, Waples, RS, FishPopTrace consortium & GR Carvalho (2012). Gene-associated markers provide tools for tackling illegal fishing and false eco-certification. Nature Communications 3, Article number: 851 doi:10.1038/ncomms1845 (LINK)

E. Mac Aoidh, G. Maes, A. Cariani, E.E. Nielsen, J.TH. Martinsohn, Exploring Geovisualization Symbology for Landscape Genetics (2012) Transactions in GIS. (In press) 

Martinsohn, J & Ogden, R (2008) A forensic genetic approach to European fisheries enforcement. Forensic Science International. Genetic Suppl. Ser. 1, 610-611. (LINK)

Martinsohn, J & Ogden, R (2009) FishPopTrace - Developing SNP-based population genetic assignment methods to investigate illegal fishing. Forensic Science International. Genetics Supp. Ser. 2, 294-296. (LINK)

Cuveliers, EL, Geffen, AJ, Guelinckx, J, Raeymakers, JAM, Skadal, J, Volckaert, FAM, Maes, GE (2010) Microchemical variation in juvenile Solea solea otoliths as a powerful tool for studying connectivity in the North Sea. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 401, 211-220. (LINK)

Gonzalez, EG, Krey, G, Espiňeira, M, Diez, A, Puyet, A, Bautista, JM (2010) Population proteomics of the European hake (Merluccius merluccius). J Proteome Research, 9, 6392-6404. (LINK)

Martinsohn, JT, Geffen, AJ, Maes, GE, Nielsen, EE, Waples, RS & Carvalho, GR (2011) Tracing Fish and fish products from ocean to fork using advanced molecular technologies. In: In: Food Chain Integrity: A holistic approach to food traceability, safety, quality and authenticity (Ed. Hoorfar, J, Jordan, K & Prugga, R), pp. 259-282. Woodhead Publishing. (LINK)

Helyar, S.J., Hemmer- Hansen, J., Bekkevold, D.,Taylor, M.I., Ogden, R., Limborg, M.T., Cariani, A., Maes, G.E., Diopere, E.,Carvalho, G.R. and Nielsen, E.E. (2011) Application of SNPs for population genetics of non-model organisms: new opportunities and challenges. Molecular Ecology Resources 11 (Suppl. 1), 1–14 (LINK)

Milano, I., Babbucci, M, Panitz, F,Ogden, R, Nielsen, RO, Taylor, MI, Helyar, SJ, Carvalho, GR, Espiñeira, M, Atanassova, M, Tinti, F, Maes, GR, Patarnello, T, the FishPopTrace Consortium, Bargelloni, L (2011) Novel tools for conservation genomics: comparing two high-throughput approaches for SNP discovery in the transcriptome of the European hake. PLoS ONE 6(11): e28008. oi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028008. (LINK)

In the media

A research article emerging from the FishPopTrace project entitled 'Gene-associated markers provide tools for tackling illegal fishing and false eco-certificationpublished in Nature Communications on the 22nd of May 2012 prompted a number of media items detailed below.


Fiskenes gener kan afsløre ulovligt fiskeri

(nr.5-2012, November 2012)

Aktuel Naturvidenskab


New tools could safeguard fish stocks

(May 23, 2012)

By James Morgan for



DNA test combats illegal fishing worldwide

(May 23, 2012)




DNA test provides safeguard for species

Telltale signs to curb illegal catches

(May 23, 2012)

in the Vancouver Sun



New means of safeguarding world fish stocks proven

(May 22, 2012)




DNA to Curb Illegal Fishing

A new SNP assay can determine the geographical origin of commonly overexploited fish species.

(May 24, 2012)

By Cristina Luiggi for The Scientist


Powerful genetic tools to help fight illegal fishing

(May 24, 2012)

By Natalia Real for FIS



Fish Forensics Gets an Upgrade

(May 22, 2012)

By Rachel Nuwer for Science Now. Also available on



How to avert the end of fish? A little fish forensics might help

(May 25, 2012)

By Brad Plumer on the Wasinghton Post's Wonkblog



FishPopTrace on BBC Radio

(May 24, 2012)

A radio interview on the Science In Action programme of the BBC World Service, aired on the 24th of May 2012 is available on the BBC i-player

A radio interview on the BBC Radio 4 programme Farmers World  also aired on the 24 May 2012 is available on the BBC i-player



Nouvelle arme contre la pêche illégale

(May 23 2012)



New Means of Safeguarding World Fish Stocks

(May 22, 2012)


posted on



Diverse herrings are super survivors

(March 9, 2012)

An article by Martin Ledstrup, in conversation with Morten Limborg of DTU Aqua and FishPopTrace for Science Nordic. The article is related to a paper in Molecular Ecology about local adaptations in herring.



FishPopTrace Program Using DNA to Counter Overfishing

By Ari Daniel Shapiro ⋅ 11 November 2011

Radio report on FishPopTrace by 'PRI's The World' (U.S.A. Nov. 2011)



FishPopTrace at the 'What's For Lunch' Conference

(September 20, 2011)

FishPopTrace were present at the What's For Lunch Interactive Media Conference in Brussels. The Conference focused on the outputs of FP6 and FP7 research projects on Food Chain Traceability. Food integrity is becoming increasingly important; authenticity, origin of food, geographical location, traceability and security and safety of food production requires new diagnostic tools and implementation of new information systems. FishPopTrace representatives presented the outputs of the project and handled questions from the media.



Tracing Fish and fish products from ocean to fork using advanced molecular technologies

In: Food Chain Integrity: A holistic approach to food traceability, safety, quality and authenticity (March 2011, Ed. Hoorfar, J, Jordan, K & Prugga, R, ISBN 0 85709 068 2),
pp. 259-282. Woodhead Publishing.



"There's something fishy going on" Independent Newspaper UK, January 2011



"Mit DNA-Tests gegen Piratenfischer" Hamburger Abendblatt, Germany, January 2011



"Tools for uncovering fishy business" Fisheries Society of the British Isles Newsletter, Spring 2011



"To Fight Illegal Fishing, Forensic DNA gets Local" Science, December 2010