Work Packages and Deliverables - European Commission Skip to main content
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Sustainable Fisheries

Work Packages and Deliverables

WP.1 Data collection

To provide a general description of the two trawl fisheries; the multi-species demersal trawl fishery in Kattegat-Skagerrak and single-species cod trawl fishery in the Baltic Sea: their fisheries management systems, their fisheries enforcement systems and the costs and effectiveness of the enforcement.

Description of work
Time series (2007-2010) of quantitative/qualitative data will be provided for variables crucial for estimation of theoretical relationships. These include: private and social benefit function of fishing (bio-economic modeling data); cost of enforcement function (enforcement costs and enforcement effort data, including data on ERS and VMS); probability of penalty function (sanctions over number of violations). Historical time series data will be complemented, where available, by further up to date technical and accounting information, (e.g. not of an econometric nature, but based on information available to the enforcement agency through talking to inspectors).

D1: a report providing a thorough description of enforcement variables for the specific Swedish fisheries in the form of tabulated data.


WP.2 Theoretical modeling - estimation of theoretical relationships

To estimate fisheries specific functions derived from the data collected under WP.1.

Description of work
The basic elements of the theoretical modeling have already been provided by the COBECOS research project (private benefit function, fish stock evolution function, probability of penalty function, penalty schedule function, cost of enforcement function). However, the theoretical model needs to be adapted to include all fisheries specific conditions. As a result, estimates of the theoretical relationships of the fisheries benefit function, the fisheries enforcement cost function and the probability of penalty function, will be derived based on the data collected in WP.1, for the specific Swedish fisheries under study. In particular, a bio-economic model (necessary for the private benefit function and the stock dynamics) is the cornerstone on which the approach will be based. The agency will apply and if necessary modify the bio-economic model SRRMCF (Swedish Resource Rent Model for the Commercial Fishery). SRRMCF is an advanced sector model over the Swedish commercial fishery with calculation and optimization possibilities. The SRRMCF can be found in the list of models that is suitable to use for economic advice to the Commission that the STECF is responsible for. The model has been used for several governmental assignments the last years and is continuously updated and in progress.
Administrative controls, such as cross-checking data etc. are becoming increasingly important and cost effective means to conduct fisheries controls, but the FP6 project COBECOS did not include these controls in the analysis. In addition, newer control means such as VMS and ERS are being used in fisheries. The benefits and costs of these new control tools will be included in the analysis.
The shadow value of fish stocks (i.e. the value of leaving one unit of the stock behind; allowing it to grow spawn and reproduce) is an important concept in optimal fisheries management and fisheries enforcement. Estimation of this variable is a necessary part of this work. The Agency will provide short-cut methods to obtain approximately correct values of this variable.

D2: A report providing: • Description and motivation of the selected bio-economic model; • Assessment of estimates of the theoretical enforcement relationships in the Swedish fisheries; • Short-cut methods for estimation of the shadow value; • Extension of the theory or of the analysis to include administrative and newer control technologies in the model.

WP.3 Feedback on simulations

To provide JRC with feedback of the results of simulations performed by JRC.

Description of work
Feedback on interpretation of the results of simulations performed by JRC ("what if "scenarios) will be provided, in the form of e-mail exchanges between the contractor and JRC, upon request of JRC.

D3: a series of responses to requests of JRC via email for the whole duration of the contract. Final report.


Software and simulations

Demo Version of COBECOS S/W with fictitious data

Swedish COBECOS S/W with the actual Swedish fisheries data 


Meetings and deliverables timetable




Kick-off meeting


Progress meeting


D1: Report providing a thorough description of enforcement variables for the specific Swedish fisheries in the form of tabulated data.


D2: Bio-economic model for the two Swedish fisheries under study, motivation for its selection and applicability to the specific contexts.

Report describing:

i) Assessment of estimates of theoretical enforcement relationships in Swedish fisheries,

ii) Method for estimation of the shadow value,

iii) Extension of the theory or of the analysis to include administrative and newer control technologies in the model


Final meeting


D3: Final report, including feedback on the simulations