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Sustainable Fisheries

Documents related to energy efficiency on fisheries

This section contains the list of scientific papers, reports and tables-graphs related to this subject.

Scientific literature

Tables and Graphs

Reports & Conference papers

  • Technologies and Scenarios For Low Emissions Shipping
    TEFLES FP7 Project Report
    State of the art and efficiency report on technologies and scenarios for Low Emissions Shipping
    Link to document
    (October 2012)
  • Effects of engine replacement on the fuel consumption reduction in fisheries
    Emilio Notti, Antonello Sala - CNR-ISMAR, Ancona (Italy)
    A concise and comprehensive report on how replacing an old engine with a new one in a fishing boat, can lead to fuel consumption reduction and under which circumstances.
    Link to document
    (August 2012)
  • An impressive fuel reduction case study on a trawler in USA
    J. Steele - CEO/Pres at Global Marine Consulting, Inc., Florida, USA
    an on-board hydrogen generator, injecting hydrogen-oxygen mix into the air intake of a fishing vessel diesel engine can reduce fuel consumption by as much as 45% adn greenhouse gas emissions by 90%.
    Link to document
    (March 2012)
  • ISSF Releases Preliminary Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Fuel Consumption in Global Tuna Fisheries
    P. Tyedmers & R. Parker - School for Resource & Environmental Studies, Dalhousie University, Canada
    The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) released a report on the carbon footprint of global tuna fisheries. The report studied the fuel usage of different types of fishing gear and how all tuna fisheries measure up against other large-scale fisheries.
    Link to document
    (March 2012)
  • 2012 e-Audit of the Italian fishing sector
    A. Sala, E. Notti, G. Buglioni - CNR/ISMAR Ancona
    The 2012 energy Audit of the Italian fishing sector.
    Link to document
    (January 2012)
  • Energy audits on board fishing vessels: Energy profiling can lead to reduced fuel consumption
    E. Notti, A. Sala, G. Buglioni - CNR/ISMAR Ancona
    This study suggests several ways for achieving fuel-use reductions in commercial fishing vessels.
    Link to document
    (January 2012)
  • Fishing Gear Efficiency Facts
    Emilio Notti - CNR/ISMAR Ancona
    Some interesting facts on how fishing gears and especially trawlers can become more efficient from a fuel consumption point of view.
    Link to document
    (October 2011)
  • Energy Reductions in Fishing Vessels
    Danish Fishermen's Association
    An Energy efficiency audit project conducted by the Danish Fishermen's Association funded by the European Fisheries Fund (EFF)
    Link to document
    (March 2011)
  • The Carbon footprint of Fisheries
    North Sea Foundation
    Fuel use (and consequently greenhouse gas emissions) varies considerably depending on the fishery. Fishing on depleted fish stocks requires more fuel per kilo landed fish than fishing on abundant fish stocks, because low fish abundance forces fishers to search longer and use heavier gear to catch the fish. If fish stocks were allowed to recover, less fuel would be needed to catch the same amount of fish. In addition, enhancing fish abundance will allow fish populations to become more resilient to the impacts of climate change.
    Link to document
    (March 2011)
  • 2010 Annual Economic Report on the European fishing fleet
    JRC Scientific and Technical Reports - Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) Report - Edited by: John Anderson & Jordi Guillen
    The 2010 Annual Economic Report (AER) on the European Union (EU) fishing fleet provides a comprehensive overview of the latest information available on the structure and economic performance of EU Member States fishing fleets.
    Link to final report
    (May 2011)
    JRC Reference Report - Authors: Apollonia Miola, Biagio Ciuffo, Emiliano Giovine, Marleen Marra
    This Reference Report summarises the main findings of a research activity carried out over several years and provides a reference framework of the analytical tools for regulating air emissions from ships.
    Link to final report
    (November 2010)
  • Fishing Vessel Energy Audit Developed For The Newfoundland And Labrador Fishing Fleet
    TriNav Marine Design (St John‟s, NL) and Department of Fisheries And Aquaculture (St John‟s, NL)
    Link to factsheet
    (January 2010)
  • Ultracross Dyneema netting trials using smaller diameter twines and large mesh results in 10-15% fuel saving
    Sea Fish Industry Authority - Rimington J. (editor)
    With fuel costs rising again and no indications of a reversal in this trend, skippers and trawler operators are looking for any way possible to reduce fuel consumption in their vessels. To maintain catch levels but make an appreciable reduction in fuel costs, the two most effective options for the skipper are to either reduce the drag of the gear or use a more effective propulsion system. Mike Montgomerie, Seafish gear technologist, reports on the results of trials to reduce the drag of a trawl by dramatically reducing the thickness of twine used, by constructing a trawl using Ultracross knotless Dyneema netting.
    Link to final report
    (October 2009)
  • Energy Saving of a Prototype Fishing Boat Using a Small Wind Turbine Generator: Practical Installation and Measured Results
    IEEE - Li Wang (editor)
    This paper presents field-measurement results of a commercial 400-W wind turbine generator (WTG) installed on a prototype fishing boat to achieve a preliminary study on energy saving of the diesel engine in the fishing boat. The Darrieus-type WTG consisting of three blades made of stainless, a coreless permanent-magnet generator (PMG), and a maximum-powerpoint- tracking (MPPT) controller is employed in this study. The output of the PMG is connected to the battery of the fishing boat through an AC-DC converter and a battery charger. A PLCbased monitoring and control system is also properly designed and installed on the fishing boat to effectively capture all measured quantities of the studied WTG on the fishing boat under various wind speeds and sailing conditions. Both Steadystate and transient measured results of the studied WTG system under various wind speeds are also analyzed.
    Link to final report
    (October 2009)
    (ESIF) FISH/2006/17 LOT3 Final Report C002/08 - B. van Marlen (editor)
    This project examined ways for European fisheries to cut energy consumption and related costs.Potential technical solutions and ongoing projects in participating EU countries were catalogued. Selected fleet segments were analysed to identify the impact of energy costs on their economic performance, and the economic feasibility of proposed technological adaptations was assessed.
    Link to final report
    (March 2009)
    JRC Scientific and Technical Reports - J. Anderson & J. Guillen (editors)
    This report gives an overview of the financial health of Europe's fishing fleets. It includes a detailed description of the fisheries in each EU country as well as statistical tables. The report contains data from 2002–07 and comments on the outlook for 2008 and early 2009 for fisheries in each of the EU members involved.
    Link to final report
    (July 2009)
  • Estimating The Carbon Footprint Of Tuna Fisheries
    Center for Engineering and Sustainable Development Research Report: pp. 14.
    Tan R. R. and Culaba A. B.

    Link to final report
    (May 2009)
  • Conference Of Peripheral Maritime Regions Of Europe
    Technical Paper From the CPMR General Secretariat - The GREEN PAPER Reform of the Common Fisheries Policy - COM(2009)163 final
    Link to final report
  • Carbon Footprint And Energy Use Of Norwegian Seafood Products
    Center for Engineering and Sustainable Development Research Report: pp. 14.
    Winther U., Ziegler F., Skontorp Hognes E., Emanuelsson A., Sund V., Ellingsen H.

    Carbon footprint and Energy use has been quantified for 22 Norwegian seafood products most of which currently constitute important components of Norwegian seafood export with regard to volume and value.
    Link to final report
  • Venues For Energy Efficiency Workshops
    Canadian Centre For Fisheries Innovation
    The survey asked respondents how increased fuel prices impacted their fishing businesses, what steps they took in response, and what further technical assistance would help them adapt to increasing costs.
    Link to final report
    (November 2008)
  • Fall 2008 Alaska Commercial Fishermen And Tender Fuel Survey
    Sea Grant - The Marine Advisory Program‟s – Preliminary Report: pp. 18.
    The survey asked respondents how increased fuel prices impacted their fishing businesses, what steps they took in response, and what further technical assistance would help them adapt to increasing costs.
    Link to final report
    (November 2008)
  • Fuel Flow Metering For Fishing Vessels
    The Sea Fish Industry Authority, Marine and Fisheries Agency and The Scottish Government Preliminary Report (Phase-3): pp. 26.
    Barbour C., Clifford T., Millar D., Young R.

    Link to final report
    (August 2008)
  • Modernization Of Fisheries Technology To Cope With Challenges And Profitability
    Nor-Fishing Technology Conference 2008 – Final Report: pp. 163.
    Thorvaldsen T., Ellingsen H.

    Environmental Efficiency of the Fishing Industry, Future catching platforms and strategies - consequences and capabilities of future technology, Catch Handling and Processing, Traceability and Quality Control, On Board Safety and Working Environment.
    Link to final report
    (August 2008)
  • Economic Performance Of Selected Eu Fishing Fleets
    Summary document prepared by the economic unit of DG FISH – December 2007: pp. 25.
    This document presents economic results for 16 national fleets for 2005, representing about 198 000 onboard employees. It contains useful economic information on value added indicators. It provides comprehensive annual economic information on the economic situation of all EU fishing fleets, per country and per major fishing zone, for fisheries administrations and stakeholders, as well as for people not directly concerned with the fisheries sector. This document further aims to support the economic advice provided by the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) and to contribute to the inclusion of economic considerations when new measures under the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) are being developed.
    Link to final report
    (December 2007)
  • Analyzing fishermen behaviour face to increasing energy costs – a French case
    ICES CM 2007/M:09 - ICES Annual Science Conference
    Le Floc‘h P., Daurès F., Bihel J., Boncoeur J., Brigaudeau C., Thébaud O.

    Increasing fuel price is becoming a major consideration in fisheries due to its contribution in total cost to produce fish. Fishermen have to reallocate production inputs according to their price, and /or accept substantial modifications in revenues.
    Link to final report
    (September 2007)
  • Energy Efficient Fishing: A 2006 Review Part A - Alternative Fuels And Efficient Engines
    Fisheries Research and Development Corporation Project No. 2005/239 Final Report: Part A.
    Sterling D. and Goldsworthy L.

    This paper tries to identify key areas to achieve fuel saving in fishing activities.
    Link to final report
    (May 2007)
  • Energy Saving In Trawlers: Practical And Theoretical Approaches
    ICMRT 2007 Final Report: pp. 98.
    Messina G., Notti E.

    This paper tries to identify key areas to achieve fuel saving in fishing activities.
    Link to final report
    (June 2007)
  • Design Concept For Low Energy Fishing Vessel
    Report of the ICES-FAO Working Group on Fish Technology and Fish Behaviour (WGFTFB) - ICES WGFTFB Report 2007: pp. 191.
    Bjørshol N. H.

    Link to final report
    (April 2007)
  • Report Of The Ices-Fao Working Group On Fish Technology And Fish Behaviour (Wgftfb)
    ICES WGFTFB REPORT 2007: pp. 191.
    Bottom Trawling Impacts, Impacts of Crangon shrimp beam trawling in the North Sea, Species Separation in demersal trawls, Technical issues relating to the Mediterranean, Gear Classification.
    Link to final report
    (April 2007)
  • Energy Efficient Fishing: A 2006 Review Part B - Hull Characteristics And Efficiency
    Fisheries Research and Development Corporation Project No. 2005/239 Final Report: Part B.
    Sterling D. and Goldsworthy L.

    This paper tries to identify key areas to achieve fuel saving in fishing activities.
    Link to final report
    (February 2007)
  • The Effect Of Fuel Price Scenarios On Belgian Fishing Fleet Dynamics
    ICES CM 2007/M:04 Final Report: pp. 13.
    Stouten H., Van Craeynest K., Heene A., Gellynck X., Polet H.

    Since there is no doubt about the huge impact high fuel prices currently have on the performance of European fleets, researches start to wonder about the future. This paper contributes to this recently emerging discussion. It evaluates the effect of three fuel price scenarios on Belgian fleet dynamics. These scenarios are tested using a microeconomic microworld.
    Link to final report
    Study for the European Parliament's Committee on Fisheries (Project No. IP/B/PECH/ST/2005-142) LEI B.V., Netherlands
    The study analyses the impact of higher oil prices on EU fisheries for the main fishing methods in each member country. The Committee will use the conclusions to develop appropriate policy solutions.
    Link to final study
    (June 2006)
  • Economic Performance Of Eu Fishing Fleets And Consequences Of Fuel Price Increase
    Conference on Energy Efficiency in Fisheries – Final Report: pp. 11.
    Salz P.

    Link to final study
    (May 2006)
  • Irish Case Study On Technological Efficiency: A Comparison Of Twin Rig Trawling And Single Rig Trawling In Terms Of Relative Fishing Efficiency
    ICES-FAO Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour – Final Report: pp. 189.
    Rihan D. (pages 18-19)

    The efficiency of fishing operations process appears to be viewed from two distinct perspectives, namely biological and economic. From a biological perspective, efficiency increases pertains to technologies /practices that result in more fish being caught per unit of fishing effort. The biological perspective of efficiency is of primary current concern to fisheries managers. From an economic perspective, not all efficiency improvements necessarily result in more fish being caught (i.e. new cost reduction technologies, value adding practices etc). The economic perspective is however of primary concern to fishers and largely governs their behaviour. Many factors affect efficiency, including technology, however not all new technologies increase efficiency. Some technological advances may have positive, negative or neutral effects on efficiency whether viewed from a biological or economic perspective. Fisheries managers may require assessments of efficiency increases, particularly where effort based management strategies are used.
    Link to final study
    (Poland, April 2004)
  • Efficiency Increases In The Faroese Longline Fishery
    ICES-FAO Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour – Final Report: pp. 189.
    Eigård O. (pages 17-18)

    Link to final study
    (Poland, April 2004)
  • Faroese Case Study On Technological Efficiency
    ICES-FAO Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour – Final Report: pp. 189.
    Thomsen B. (page 18)

    Link to final study
    (Poland, April 2004)
  • Development Of A Fuel Saving Italian Bottom Trawl
    ICES-FAO Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour – Final Report: pp. 54. (page 4)
    This paper was aimed at developing bottom trawl designs, for the Italian Fisheries that reduced fuel consumption.
    Link to final study
    (France, June 2002)
  • A Fuel Consumption Based Method To Measure The Fishing Effort
    Final Report [Ref. 97/0073] - European Commission, Brussels (Belgium) and Associazione Nazionale Commercio Macchine, Rome (Italy) - Corsini P. (editor): pp. 96.
    This study is based on a careful examination about the main relevant parameters in order to identify, among them, which are mostly influent on the fishing effort. Fuel consumption over the whole fishing trip could be a valid measure of the fishing effort since it takes into account either the fishing vessel catch capacity is exerted over.
    Link to final report
  • Energy Consumed By North Atlantic Fisheries
    Tyedmers P. In "Fisheries Impacts on North Atlantic Ecosystems: Catch, Effort and National/Regional Datasets" (D. Zeller, R. Watson, and D. Pauly, Eds.), Fisheries Centre Research Reports 2001, 9(3): pp. 253. (pages 12-35)

    Link to final report
  • Analysis Of Commercial Marine Vessels Emissions And Fuel Consumption Data
    United States Environmental Protection Agency Report [EPA420-R-00-002]: pp. 28.
    Link to final report
    (February 2000)
  • Fuel And Financial Savings For Operators Of Small Fishing Vessels
    Wilson J.D.K. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 383. Rome, FAO. 1999. 46 pp.
    This guide presents information on the key technical areas that affect energy efficiency, but only part of the information presented herein will be applicable to any particular fishing situation. The guide is not a result of new original fieldwork but draws on much of the research and experience of the past two decades, updated where possible to include new technical developments. The guide is divided into two major sections: the first relates to changes in operational techniques rather than changes in technology; the second presents information of relevance to vessel operators who are either considering the construction of a new vessel or overhauling and re-equipping an existing vessel.
    Link to final report
  • Reducing The Fuel Costs Of Small Fishing Boats
    Bay of Bengal Programme [Working Papers - BOBP/WP/27] - Development of Small-Scale Fisheries - Gulbrandsen 0. (editor): pp. 29.
    This paper, and the trials it describes, are activities of the small-scale fisheries project of the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP). This work describes the principles of power requirements for small fishing boats and illustrates how to estimate the savings from measures to conserve fuel.
    Link to final report
    (July 1986)