Fishreg's projects - European Commission
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Sustainable Fisheries

Fishreg's projects

Providing support to policymakers and stakeholders in the quest for a sustainable development of oceans, coastal resources and, most notably, to the development and implementation of polices and initiatives under the European Green Deal in line with the new approach for a sustainable Blue Economy

Analysis on the economic performance of the EU capture fisheries sector together with the STECF

Analysis of economic performance of the EU aquaculture sector together with the STECF

This study is based on a previous study named Stock Dependency.

Improving energy efficiency is decisive for competitiveness, security of supply and for meeting the commitments on climate change made under the Kyoto Protocol. The Commission pledged to set up a system to exchange ideas and best practices.

Increasing the knowledge on seafood market and trade through research and analysis is important for the development and future of the EU seafood industry.
Project period: 2014 - 2015

The clustering exercise indicates that existing marine aquaculture sites occupy very limited space in terms of surface and length of coastline
Project period: 2011 - 2012

Shows the relevance of catches for each of the stocks as defined in TACs and quota EU Regulation for 2014
Project period: 2012 - 2014

Geographical approach to identify EU coastal communities relying on fisheries using accessibility analysis, principles at the basis of gravity models and disaggregated population and employment statistics
Project period: 2012 - 2013

Cost-benefit analysis of control schemes for management strategies relevant for the Common Fisheries Policy and potential economic benefits from proper enforcement of the management measures
Project period: 2006 - 2008

Data, theory and services to produce a cost-benefit analysis tool for optimal fisheries enforcement practices (Under the contract IPSC/2011/04/07/NC)

Capacity reduction and effort limitation are major tools in fisheries management. Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) reform aims to match European fleet capacity to resource availability
Project period: 2004 - 2006

Genetic Catalogue, biological reference collections and on-line database of European Marine Fisheries. An EU 5th Framework Programme project in the area of "Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources".
Project period: 2002 - 2006

A population genetic study on Mediterranean Blue Shark for stock identification and conservation. It represents a robust baseline of data describing the genetic stratification of BS in the Mediterranean.
Project period: 2008 - 2012

A support to the development of sustainable European aquaculture and a contribution to the achievement of the "Good Environmental Status" (GES) as requested under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
Project period: 2013 - 2015

Genetic close-kin analysis (Lophius piscatorius) on white anglerfish for abundance estimate in support of sea fisheries management under the CFP, establish the genetic population structure of the white anglerfish across the Atlantic FAO fishing area 27. Project period: 2017 - 2021

Collaborative project providing end-user tools in the areas of fish population analysis and fish (product) traceability as well as for policy related monitoring, control, surveillance and enforcement in the fisheries sector. An EU 7th FP project.
Project duration: 2010 - 2013

Focusing on two marine fish species of major commercial interest, common sole (Solea solea) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), this study aims at building a basis for aquaculture management of marine fish for restocking purposes of wild population.
Project period: 2002 - 2006

The first major step in the development of a comprehensive suite of new DNA markers for the forensic identification of caviar products in trade within the EU. Workshop organised and hosted by EC with help of CITES, TRAFFIC and WWF.
Project period: 2002 - 2006

Provides molecular tools in support of traceability and anchovy product authentication, which can efficiently be applied to unambiguously determine even closely related fish species in processed food products labelled "anchovy".
Project period: 2002 - 2005

Analysis performed on Mullus surmuletus specimen sampled from four locations in EU-waters. Analysed genetically, by sequencing parts of the mitochondrial genome and additionally parasite infestation examined and morphological data recorded.
Project period: 2002 - 2004

Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries
image of feeding cropped earth

Species habitat from zooplankton to fin whale, habitat animations with observations and global potential fish production

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Catch, Effort and Discard Estimates in Realtime

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The EU Member States collect fisheries data to support the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) through a scientific advice
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The favourable feeding habitat is daily identified linking their ecological traits with environmental variables from satellite remote sensing and physical ocean models
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The following collection contains data produced by JRC.D.2 in the context of the research and scientific support to the Common Fisheries Policy and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

Development of an assessment method targeting stocks that have a reduced knowledge base on biology and moderate time series on exploitation and abundance and trigger the discussion about the problem of massive stock assessment, that will most likely exist in Europe in the next decade.

Capacity reduction and effort limitation are major tools in fisheries management. Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) reform aims to match European fleet capacity to resource availability
Project period: 2004 - 2006